Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Finally, here are some pics of the parentals' house:

The cedar was dirty and had mould on it...after cleaning & prep work, here is the finished product. The color is "Monarch Gold', Dad picked it out and it's very nice! Lighter than the cedar but a cedar-ish color nonetheless. And up there is dotter M, painting her heart out. So, the deck still must be re-stained & the lattice attached (you can see where) and then new fascia before the new eavestroughing. Voila! New house.

Today, me and S and Spencer went to the park for some fun & swinging. As earlier promised on this Blog, here are just a few pics of the cutest, sweetest, funniest, prettiest, most wonderful grandbaby ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So far, so sweet. She even got the hang of swinging...she may look scared to you, but she's just having fun! You will note she has alot to say...she gets this from her Mother and Grandmother.

And, below is Spencer-Dog. He was not too relaxed at the didn't help that someone had the nerve to walk their dog right by us, which really got his mojo dare they?!?!? I had him tied to the stroller & was pushing S on the swing, but at one point I looked back and could not
see him. OMG, I thought, Spencer ran away! He was hiding, the little bugger, behind the stroller. He also had a fun day!

Ok, here is "S the Imp", I just love this pic...

More pics to come, now that I have the hang of this. I'm working in Vista which is far and away different from Windows XP which I have at work & everything's different...everything. But I'm getting there.

Off to Walmart! And then dishes, water the flowers & tomatoes.

Oh, just for my brother, here is a picture of my bleeding heart plant which I took in June (he had one on his Blog)... here it is:

Isn't it lovely? I thot so too. Well, football fans, see you in the funny papers!

Love & Peace,


  1. Lovely job of the house .... is that Mrs. Gorey I see at the front? ... S (grandbaby) looks as cute as ever ... can't wait to get photos myself! They're gonna be beautiful ... oh yeah ... nice plant.

  2. crazy football momAugust 6, 2009 at 7:34 AM

    Thanks, Kim. Yes, that's Mrs. Goray. Yah, I grew that plant from a baby, quite proud of it as not alot of luck w/perennials, as such don't have very many. S is a living doll!
