Saturday, January 30, 2010

Toyota...What Were You Thinking?!?

So, football fans, I take 2 years to: think about, look around, think seriously about thinking about getting a new vehicle, look in earnest, test-drive shit, do my homework, go back in and seriously buy my brand new car, only to find out it's involved in probably one of the biggest recalls in Toyota's history! Talk about the Griswold Effect. *sigh* I was bound to make the wrong's what I do :0)

Oh well, this too shall pass. Apparently next week, Toyota are supposed to do something for the dealerships and someday soon I'll get a letter to take the car in to get the accelerator pedal and gizmo-thingey-stuff repaired soon, before the car suddenly becomes an unsstoppable, self-propelled, unguided missile! What the hell were Toyota thinking changing the design of an accelerator pedal in the first place?!?!?!?!?! If it ain't broke...don't fix it. My philosophy...shoulda been Toyota's. I's been working for you hasn't it? Why f*ck with it? *double sigh*

Enh! In other news, Pro Bowl is on tomorrow and I so don't care! I haven't even heard who's actually playing in it. Gotz chores to do tomorrow anyway and then we're going over to dotter M's place for Chinee Foo dinner...nom, nom, nom. Me love Chinee Foo! And Grandpa can see Baby S, whom he hasn't seen for awhile. I babysat her today, she has learned many new words...Ganny (that's me!), apple, cookie, laptop!, pees or mees (please), etc. like that. Many words. And she's so cute, I can hardly stand it! We played, colored and watched cartoons and The Jungle Book and then we napped...separately...she was in her crib.

Tired...was a long (fast but busy) week and was still suffering after-effects today - tiredness. So I'm gonna go hold down the couch and read and/or watch tv in my Snuggie. Surely you know what a snuggie's a fleece blanket with sleeves! But...I didn't just get the blue snuggie, my snuggie is a leopard snuggie. Or, as a friend from work commented when told I rec'd a leopard snuggie for Xmas, "Oh! You got a COUGAR snuggie!" ha ha, too funnie.

So adieu til next time, football fans and may the best Pro Bowl team win...I guess...I don't really care. We'll talk football next Sunday...woot, The Who are playing at half time...should be really good game. I friggin HATE the Colts so will be cheering for the Saints.

Night, night...

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