Monday, September 28, 2009

Let The Good Times Roll...

This title is a misnomer, it's just a stupid 'Cars' song I have stuck in my head as it's the last one I heard while I was driving home from work in my new car...which has an awesome stereo by the way :-)

Yeah, good times...well today marks 5 people on my floor who have lost their jobs in the last 2 weeks...their livelihood...due to downsizing. I know, I know, it goes on everywhere, but it's not supposed to happen to my friends...people I have known anywhere from 18 to 30 years. It's been a terribuls two weeks on my floor and we are just supposed to carry on like nothing's happened. Whatever...I go in and do my job, for the greater good. It's all very sad.

So, to make myself feel better, I cruised 'Icanhascheezburger' and found this on the 'Engrish' fail site:

'Nuf said, football fans.

And what about this:

Mmmmm...tasty. I'll pass.

And, this is one busy crab:

Oh, those crazy Asians...all I'm sayin'.

This kitteh is totally nappin' with Jesus:

Well...time to hit the couch, me eyes are tired. I know it's only 9...much later than the time that'll post on this blog...but what the hell, gotta face the heck tomorrow...4 more days and Ize done work til Oct 13. Stop my feet from dancin'...

Love & Peace,

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Random Stuff

So! The Bombers won finally...for a change. Good game guys! Congrats on a W!!! But you just barely squeaked tired in the 4th, huh? Michael Bishop has sorta redeemed himself...and the receivers (most of whom are new and I don't know their names) played well, along with Fred Reid. Oh yah, and boo to Dorian Smith and Siddeeq Shabazz, who got themselves ejected from the game in the 4th - silly boys, fighting. Sigh.

In other news, pretty boring I must say. Trying to get organized and ready to head to Vegas soon (only one more week of work!) and have been cruising the Innerwebs to see if there's anything I would like to see/do/eat there, that I previously did not know. Turns out, there's not a lot! Which is good, I can stick to my normal routine of drinking and shopping...and people watching. This is what we (me & hubby) like to do...what can I say? It's our annual run-away-from-life vaycashun. should be hot, so it'll be like an extended summah. Ours seems to have run out, but it lasted til Sep. 26 (yestahday) so one cannot complain...too much.

I found this picture of the "New Frontier" hotel that got tored down in 2007. Hubby and I visited it in late 2006 and I'm glad we did, cuz we din't know until later it would be torn down. Directly when you walked inside was a genuine "one-armed bandit" statue of a cowboy guy thingey...anyway it was cool. And it was smoky and dingy, exactly what you'd expect of an old casino with a Western name:

But they did serve a decent frozen Margarita. You gotta love the "Cold Beer ... Dirty Girls" on the sign...we laffed at that one since we first saw it in 2005, the year of our dotter's weddin at "Viva Las Vegas Chapel" very north of the Strip. Every time we drove by that sign we'd laf - and we drove by it alot! it rained for 2 solid days & we were always in the car til we could finally get out & explore the Strip a bit. And that's when we fell in love with Vegas.

Here is one of Mama's fave places in Vegas:

I love the atmosphere and, well, the Margaritas are swell...and their very own 'Land Shark' beer, the volcano nachos and they have good salads & soups. They have a very nice gift shop as well...still need a fridge magnet for the redneck fridge. Here's the inside of the restaurant, a small part, as it's pretty big:

I just really like it there! It's fun and the food is good...can't ask for more than that.

And I love the shopping, especially the outlet mall(s). We try to buy some Xmas gifts while we're there and I must admit, I'm a wee bit behind in my Christmas shopping, don't know about y'all. It is, after all, less than three months away...OMG!!!

So, we'll be flying the friendly skies on KITTEH AIRLINES:

...a fairly new airline, but we'll give them a chance and see how they do / we do / hope it's crash-free. Yeesh!

I really should go & do something now. Feelz likez Ize wasting my time on this here interwebs.

Adieu til the next time I feel like going on about nothing.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome To My Nightmare

It's been awhile, football fans...tings have been berry bizzy. I did manage to get the maison clean, we had the family/friends over on Sunday for the birthdays and it was all lovely. A shame it was over so soon. I believe a good time was had by all.

The Bombers lost (what a shock!) to the Alouettes, don't remember the score, don't wanna. Knew they couldn't win, not against Calvillo & Co. Hello??? And they get to play them 2 more times, ladies & germs...yeeesh. I don't fancy their chances. And then...we lost Arjei Franklin and Romby Bryant cuz Mike Kelly (aka Village Idiot) traded them...for whom, I neither care or remember. Then today or yesterday, he traded two more guys and gained what, another quarterback? How many does that make this season? Five? Who the f* can keep up and really - who cares anymore??? What a complete and utter EPIC FAIL for our beloved Bombers. I (like zillions of others) place the blame squarely on mister Kelly, the ultramaroon. And he's still talking like there's a future for this troop this season - Mike... give your head a shake...the fans have all gone home & they're staying there! You're done, the Bombers are done...there IS no more season. The End.

So let's turn our attention to the NFL...

My son's team (Cowboys) were beaten by the Giants (I hate Eli Manning) on Sunday in the last 0 seconds of the was a great game! (the tiny part I watched). Anywho, that's all I know or care at this moment of the NFL...

In other news, work sucks...the end.

No pictures today...too tired...too lazy...franky, I have other stuff to do.

So I bid you adieu until next time...

Peace & Love,

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sigh...I'm Bored

I shouldn't be...bored that is...but I am. I'm just in a slump. I'm bored like this cat:

Have to clean the house, which I hate doing. I don't know why...I like when it's clean, just hate doing it. And I don't do it often enuf...simply because I'm lazy... And it's so beeyutiful outside (almost 30 degrees) that I'd rather be out there. But I'm sitting here.

Having people over tomorrow evening for birthday celebrations...for my girl and my boy. Time flies, it seems like we just did this and here we are again! And granddaughter S is 16 months old!! Sixteen months!! Before we all know it she'll be 2, and then 3, and then there'll be no stopping her - she'll just grow and grow...but I hope she never outgrows her cuteness and beautiful smile. She is the Happiest Baby/Toddler EVER!!

Speaking of hamsters, here's a cutie:

And chickens are just inherently funny, arent' they? With their strutting head bops & such...I find chicken jokes hilarious. I was in a restaurant perusing the menu when I came upon "cornfed chicken". Cornfed chicken...I bet all those grainfed chickens were jealous. Dam cornfed chickens think they're better than us! Well, guess what? They landed up the same place as you, so get over it. And speaking of cornfed, I didn't want to know about it's childhood...I just wanted to eat it! Cornfed! Good at tennis! Now I feel guilty...

Why did the chicken cross the road? No, seriously, I'd like to know.

And, in football news, we have the Bombers vs the Alouettes tomorrow afternoon. Guess who doesn't even care enuf to watch? And besides, I have cleaning and getting ready for company tomorrow, so I won't have time. Son A's Dallas Cowboys are playing tomorrow afternoon...go Cowboys! You can beat the Giants!!

Sigh...I really must go and do something, anything. I'll start by feeding the cats, doing some laundry & see how that goes.

Have a good rest of Caturday, all and see you in the Funny Papers.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Safeway...They Care A Little (but not so much)

So, I got my "letter" and my "Safeway gift card" in the mail today. Gad, those PR types! Yeesh! They are so GD diplomatic...for my "inconveniences"...blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum. No mention of the embarrassment, the drama and the dam sore knee. Oh, and they hope that I will remain a "loyal customer" at either that or any other Safeway location. Well, I sure will...until the gift card runs out, hey?! Duh!!! And I'll go directly through Murray's til (Murray's the cashier who "didn't see me fall, didn't see me on the ground") and I'll smile and be pleasant and he'll be hating me and the fact that I'm going through his til, but he'll be forced to be nice to me because if he isn't, I'll just complain...about him...and maybe the fact that he's also ugly or he didn't give me the "Safeway smile" today. with Murray...he's not too bright, so it won't be that hard. Oh, did I write all that down? That sounds mean!

Free groceries...better than a kick in the ass any day, n'est ce pas? (oui! more francais) But after that, Safeway can kiss my butt.

Thank you very little and f*ck you very much.


And...It's Been A While...

Greetings, football fans! It's already Wednesday, hump day. Yay! We won't talk about work today, or anymore actually, just in case the Blogging Police are out there...the Interwebs Cops if you will...wouldn't wanna be saying one bad thing about me job or place of employment. So I'll jus' say... I love my job and I love it there! 'Nuf said :+)

So, I can now reveal the great & wonderful birthday present my Son A received for his, well, birthday yesterday. (It's really birthday AND's a big gift). A trip to Dallas ladies & germs!! To see the Cowboys play the Chargers!! Wait a minute...the Chargers are my team...why am I not going aussi? (that's French for "also", for all you who are not as bilingual as moi) Oh well, that means I get the maison (French for "house") to myself for a coupla days in December (he's going with his Dad). Maybe I'll take some overtime time off and get drunk! Yah, that's it.

Anywho, made an American Stadium cake for the the pan from Winners, if you can believe it. I didn't go looking for it, it found me! Me and dotter M made this cake:

Yup, it's a pretty frickin' awesome cake, if you ask me...well, nobody did see where I'm going here? Anyway, since at American football games, they have freakin' fireworks after a touchdown (here, we have a cannon...yay), that gave me the idea for the sparklers.

So, a pizza party and a good time was had by all.

The End of that story.

Oh, and here's my new car, the real McCoy, the genuine article, not just some pic off it's parked outside my house right now, so it must be REAL...and really mine!


In football news, they put Barrin Simpson on the 9-week-injury list...he was initially on the one-week injury list for turf toe that he had been playing through all these weeks. Then, after being listed (one week) he asked to be traded. This was all over the media and voila! he gets placed on the 9 week list. Without his approval BUT, ladies & germs, the CFL does not need the players' approval or acquiescence, only their acknowledgement after being informed that they are on the 9 week injury list. I can only think they did this because who's going to trade for a player who's on the 9 week injury list? In September? This takes us to end of November, Grey Cup is over by then. NOT that the Bombers have an ice cube's chance in Hell of seeing any time THERE. But...very clever of Lyle Bauer and company...nice. You know what? This whole season sucks the big weenie, so we might as well pretend like it never happened. And Iyam dead serious. What season? See? How quickly they forget...

Tired and must do stuff...have stuff to do...outside where it's nice & warm (cold in here from air condish, not complaining :-) and then inside...much stuff to do.

Toodles and have a good evening all...


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bombers...Sigh...Goodbye, it was nice knowin ya

Well, that's it football fans, the Bombers are broken and have kissed this season goodbye. And other than Doug Brown, they don't really seem to give a damn! After game 9, everybody gets paid anyway and this was game 10. And we are 3-7. That's something to be proud of hey, Mike Kelly? Most arrogant b*st*rd in the land...oh, and you get paid too, don't you? No matter how putrid a head coach/offensive coach you prove to be. And oh yeah! You're on a 2 year, it doesn't really matter in the end does it? They can't fire you because...they're still paying Doug Berry's wouldn't make sense to be paying three head coaches' salaries, would it? So, you'll just limp along the rest of this disgusting (somebody give me a stronger word than disgusting) season and hey! you'll be back next year. Can't wait. Good luck with the three Montreal games...I won't be watching. Sorry, Doug Brown, you are the only stand-up guy on the team right now and the only voice of reason.

I will now turn my attention to the NFL...Vikings won today and so did Dallas! The End.

I cringe at the thought of bringing my baby (my new car) to the terribuls parkade downtown, but it's gotta be done. Please, please, please nobody hit or ding it! Not on the first day!! It's just still brand-new to me...just gimme one ding-free day.

This too shall pass...and I'll be finishing up Sunday's business so I can watch some Comedy. No, not the Bombers vs the Riders...been there, done that.

Adieu til next time.

CFM signing off...

Safeway Does Care! But We'll See How Much...

An update to my Aug 10th blog about Safeway, where I slipped on water, fell on my knee and injured my tibial tubercle (6-8 week injury). And nobody cared, they all acted like nothing had happened & the cashier I made eye contact with denied seeing me fall and/or seeing me on the ground. The last insult was a phone conversation with Big Al (store manager) who condescendingly offered me "in the range of $50-75 and you come in and sign a release". I thought it all strange, the way it was handled, so I called the store's District Manager on Friday (first time I've had time to call).

I relayed the whole story to her, how I was treated & spoken to by Al, what he offered, but back to the original incident, how not one of her store employees seemed to think it was a big deal that a customer fell in their store due to their negligence...except Asst Mgr Sam - he was nice & he cared. But apparently not enuf, as he never did write up a proper accident report...he wrote some shit on a random piece of paper that day and that was it. And I'm sure neither he nor Al "e-mailed Calgary" (head office) like they said they would nor even made them aware in any way of what had happened.

She seemed displeased with how this was handled, none of the proper procedures were followed, apologized several times throughout our conversation & sed she would go down to the store that afternoon. I hope some guys got in shit on Friday for being ignorant. I further clarified that I was not some scum off the street trying to pull a fast one and that Al cannot just offer to throw some $$ at someone to make them "go away". I'm a 30-year shopper at that store (or whenever the hell it opened) and yes, I intend to go back, football fans! As soon as we've "settled something" here...go back in with my head held high and say "hi" to Murray, the ignorant cashier...among others.

This woman did mention monetary compensation a few times, and we will talk turkey on Monday. I asked for A) a written apology B) assurance this will never happen again ( footnote:hubby's been back as recently as yesterday and the cooler is still about emptying it, shutting it off, wiping it out and either fixing or replacing it? And C) monetary compensation, of course, since she brought it up :-))) With any luck at all, Safeway can make my first new car payment...sounds good to me! F*ckers!!! Further updates on this story as warranted.

Banjo Bowl!
Don't know if Barrin Simpson is playing today or not...yesterday may have been the last time apparently that we see him in Bomber attire...I hope he plays. We still have Lobendahn and Shabbaz, and of course big Doug Brown, so no worries there. On the offence side, however...oh my god, what will we do? They've brot in yet another quarterback (I've lost count) whose name escapes me, Lefors is injured (thank Bob), and we have Bishop and Randall...and this new guy who remains nameless for now. Get with the plan and throw nicely to the receivers or use Reid, but please...get it done today!!!

They really have no choice...if they lose today it will be ugly...but like I sed yesterday, it promises to be a good game and I can't wait!

Have to go clean & do chores now...a woman's work is never done, it's true...have a good day all and may the best Blue & Gold Team win!!!!!

Love & Peace,

Saturday, September 12, 2009

That New Car Smell...

'Ooh that smell. Can't ya smell that smell? Ooh that smell...the smell that surrounds you!!!' Yes! The new car smell...I dunno know who sings that tune, but it's gotta be about the new car smell. It makes me not want to smoke in the we shall see how long that lasts.

I love my car. I forgot/didn't have time to take a picture of it in all its newness...mebbe tomorrah, it will be only 1 day old(er), so...yah. Busy day, watching the Grandbaby, running around and baking a cake. Actually, M baked it while I helped out with a very tired S who missed her afternoon nap. Once the boy's birthday is over, I can reveal what kind of cake it is/was, otherwise I'd be giving up the big surprise. Oh yah - update next Wednesday, after the birthday.

Tomorrow is it...D Day for the Bombers (D stands for Do, as in Do something). I have no expectations and just plan on enjoying a good football game. Surely the Bombers will play better than they did last Sunday, so if it's not a W, it should still be a good game. How can it not be with all those smokies and all that beer?? Come'll be great...and I get to wear my Stegall jersey. I wonder when/if they'll retire his number? Do they do that in the CFL? Really, I have no idea.

Well, I suppose I will go...update tomorow of course. C'mon Blue, kick some Rider butt!! You can DO it!!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weird News

It's just a weird day, football fans. Is there a full moon or... I thought that was last week?

Ellen Degeneres is taking over Paula Abdul's spot as judge on American Idol. Can it get any weirder? Don't get me wrong...I love Ellen. She's great and funny and she does lots of charitable work...did I mention she's funny? I don't know if the show can handle such a funny lady as Ellen. I mean she's hilarious! Oh, and she has a command of the English language, which is more than can be said for Randy Jackson and Kara whats-her-name (I don't like her). Say what you will about Simon, he's a straight shooter and also has a command of the English language, and many others I'm sure...languages, that is. I will miss Paula...good luck in your next endeavour! But please, no singey-dancey thing, do something serious.

Went for a walk by our lake today (man-made pond, just let me call it "our lake" ok?) and this is what I saw:

Of course, the duck is a misnomer as anyone can clearly see it is a Canada Goose. Of which we have plenty in our lake, along with gulls, many kinds of ducks and on a really lucky day, pelicans. I love pelicans.

Anyway, in other news, work sucked again today but not as bad as the last almost month.

My son failed his driver's test today...I felt really bad for him. I know what that's like, along with millions of my readers, yes?? It was all because of a skate-boarder who was approaching - A thought he had enough time to get through the intersection from a stop sign as the SB was still far away, but alas halfway thru, the SB zinged by. Shit! And other words that mean poop. It's too bad, other than that he would have passed, and ya gotta wait 2 weeks before taking another test. Serious Bummer...sorry A, you'll do it next time!

Bomber news (such as it is) - I just heard that Stephan LeFors is on the 9-week injured list (yay! he won't be playing anymore this season) due to a shoulder injury...I forget what and who really cares? What I'm wondering is...this guy hasn't actually played for weeks, so Stephan, where'd you hurt your shoulder? Don't tell me it was during practise...wink, wink. That's like a former-person-at-work-who-will-go-unnamed (a chick) coming in to work with a sprained neck one time - when asked how she got it she replied "in the shower". JEEZ! Ya don't say stuff like that!!! Ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

So, if this kitteh video doesn't make you laff yuras off, then you have no sense of humour :-)))

And that's about that. I pick up my new car on Saturday...after babysitting The Banana (granddotter). Gotta bake son A's birthday cake for Tuesday...ssshhh, it's a surprise! I hope he doesn't read my blog, but just in case he does I will not divulge what KIND of birthday cake. He will be surprised!

Time for a beer and supper, in that order. Then, mebbe some mindless chores & such...oh what a life I lead, huh?


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Help Stamp Out Wednesdays that feel like Mondays

Yeesh...tough to go back on Wednesday after a long weekend, cuz it just feels like damn Monday! That's no good...but hump day is now over & only 2 more til the weekend. Oh, but the weather was lovely all weekend long, like the summer we never had!! Well, we had summer this past weekend and let's hope teh good weather stays until October, at least, even early November. Wpg set a record for (since December '08) 9 months in a row of unseasonably cold weather. And trust me, winter was damn cold!!! and don't judge us because we had a summery Sep long. Mnah!

Work sucked. The end.

I visited Grandbaby S tonite, took her for a walk in the wagon. We went to teh park, where she likes nothing more than to sit among the tiny rocks, pick them up and let them slide through her hand to the ground...fascinating...sometimes she talks about them (to them?), but I still can't understand a word she says. I'm sure she's speaking Chinese...sometimes I reply "Moo Goo Gai Pan?" and I swear, she knows what I mean. Which is crazy b/c even I don't know what I mean...most of the time. Anywho, we had fun. Spencer dog got to spend baby-free time with his Mom, score!! And he got a bonus walk! Way to go, Spencer!! He didn't have a lot of use for Granny today, but that's ok. One day he'll need me for a walkie or whatever and...maybe I won't comply...or maybe I'll make him beg for his walk.
Nah, just kidding, Spencer's the best.

Here's a picture of my Sister, Mary:

Football fans, today is 09/09/09!!!!! And when I started this blog it was 09:09, on 09/09/09. How eerie is that??? that will never come again...mebbe a good thing!

Arrrrr, I got a Bounty on me head!!! (uttered by a Pirate entering a bar with a paper towel on his head).

Awww, this little guy looks a bit like Spencer, getting ready to read me a bed time story:

Speaking of bedtime, yawn!! The hour is late (despite the time-stamp on this-here blog)...time for sleep...wish me luck...hopin' for more than 2 hours in a row this time.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yes, You Will Be Mine...or Toyota, Make Things Better

This is IT football fans...Iyam now the proud owner of a 2010 Toyota Corolla S with moonroof!!! Yes, I pick it up Saturday. How awesome is that? And I feel I got it for a good price...fair to me and fair to the dealership...mebbe a little more fair to me (which is how it should be) b/c it was quite a bit off the MSRP. Played the game and it was kinda fun...altho I wouldn't want to do that every day! And David is nice...he's a car salesman and if I think he's nice, then he's nice. And he's fair...I'm sure at the end of the day he made a buck (and I saved a buck) and that's the game, ladies & germs.

Okay, other than color which is actually Classic Silver Metallic, here she is in all her wonderfulness:

Ain't she a beauty? Just like 11 years ago, I will drive it home with trepidation...afraid of the first ding. Once you get past the first ding, you're good. It's the anticipation...when/where will it happen? With me, I know it'll be the crappy parkade...ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Good job I have a 'body guy'. All I'm sayin'...

Ooh, CFM is so excited! Back to reality, I gotta go to work tomorrow, not just because I love it there(!), not just to pay for the car, but because I gotz billz...I like a roof over my head & food in my mouth...I'm funny that way. Oh yah, and did I mention I love work??!!@#$&^% Hey, a pig just flew over my head...odd...

Anywho, CFM's had a full & busy day, must go now...tomorrow usually comes early :->>

Love & Peace,

Football Cats

Given the football theme, Sunday's sad loss by the Bombers to the Riders (not helped by the 3 interceptions Bishop threw), I thought this cat pic very appropriate. And it's pretty darn funny, methinks! Ha, ha, I love 'Cheezburger' and funny cat pics in general.

Anyway, here are the "Goggie" fans, reacting to the interception...

Oh, those crazy goggies...

Anyway, the Bombers who are now 3-6 (ugh), have to play the Alouettes three times yet in the regular season. I don't fancy their chances, we mite as well give it up rite now.

Can't get enough of them Sugar Crisps, Sugar Crisps, Sugar Crisps...I'm hungry. Soon I'll go rummage in teh pantry for some gotta be in the mood for cerealz and I definitely the mood...and hungry.

Then I gotz to call David because we are in serious nuhgosheeayshuns now...mebbe today I will buy a car!! My 50th birthday present to me. Yah, that's it, that's the ticket. A friend at work sed I should plan a big trip, this is apparently what peeps do for their 50th. Well, trip shmip, I get a car! And alas, no longer can afford trips what with the car payments...jeez. However, I can always travel on Airmiles and I do owe my friend in Ottawa a visit...mebbe I'll go in teh Spring. It's a thought.

Ciao, football fans, and wish me luck in this latest car installment...I'll report back later.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Not so Deep Thoughts by Crazy Football Mom

Hello, football fans! Well, that was quite a display the Bombers put on yesterday...I forget how few downs in the first half (precious few) but it matters not, because they lost. Just as they have lost the Labor Day Classic the past 4 years, making this year 5 of loss. It was hard to watch the first half... my son said in the second 1/4 "can it get any worse?" and I said "Oh yah! stick around because it can and it will!" And it did! It was redonkulous. I mean the Riders were running roughshod over our defence, but nobody ever changed it up. Thanks Doug Brown and Joe Lobandahn, but the rest of you guys?? Terribuhls. AND, the last seconds of the first half, so close to a TD and ya blew it! Our offence showed a little more spirit in the 2nd half, but again, (as usual, as always), too little, too late. And what the F is with Bishop??? Jeez, over-throwing (our receivers are not 10-feet-tall), throwing for 3 interceptions, basically acting like...well, like he knows not what he's doing. But he has a powerful arm...ok...good. Thank you Serna for the FGs and Bowman for the TD...good work. The rest of you may need to go back to training camp. Hey, Mike Kelly - your Village called, they want their Idiot back.

Anywho, earlier yesterday, checked that the dealership (who were closed) actually had my car (well, the car I intend to buy) on the lot (they did...see? David didn't lie even tho he's a car salesman), did some errands & shopping, watched a football game, got my chores done and then had my buddy over for relaxing MGDs on the deck...and it was good...except for the Skeeters, so I now have bites on the feet & ankles (I hate that!).

Random Updates

Well, I got my Aerosmith refund on my MasterCard, yay! I had worried that the way things were going, I would not, but there it was in black & white...I'd have rather attended a concert but...oh well, mebbe a different time.

I haven't heard further from Safeway, where I slipped on water & hurt my knee on Aug 10. My Doc said I hurt my 'tibial tubercle' a term which heretofore I had not known existed. Suffice to say, it affects the tendon which holds the knee in place...and it hurts...for 6 to 8 weeks. I spoke with Al, the 'head manager' of the actual store on a Thursday the week after the week I fell (so Aug 20), and not only did he seem terribly disinterested, but I still did not receive an apology for falling in his store...rather, it felt more like he was humoring me. AND he offered me some cash (a pittance, really) to "go away" his words, either take it and come in to sign a 'release' or he'd have to 'send it to Calgary'. So, I'm just some scum off the street that you can throw (a tiny bit of) money at & hope will go away. How insulting! The way this whole thing was handled and Al's indifference and...grrrr!!! So, I don't give a crap if he's turned it over to Calgary, because I've heard from nobody since...again...still. So I am going to call 'Calgary' myself and see what they think of Al's handling of this affair and inquire if this is the usual procedure? I think not. Ultimate goal...hopefully get Al in a wee bit o' trubble...that would make me happy :-) Oh yah and send money or gift cards...tout suite!!!

Muthah F*ckers...Safeway...because we don't care!

My parents' house is very nice since son-in-law 'finished off' the deck with the lattice, the fascia & eavestroughing are all done, and my Pop & Sis restained the bench that resides on the deck. Nicest house on the block...silly me as usual, did not take a 'before' picture...doh!!! Must get over & take a final 'after' pic, I just popped in the other day, but sans camera...idiot. I'll post a pic next time, ladies & germans.

I love that I booked tomorrow (Tuesday) off...super-long weekend. And son A goes driving tomorrow and begins Grade 12 the next day...then the next day (Sep 10th) he has a road test. Yeesh...

Time to go back to the real world and see what I must do today...siyanara! (spelling?)


Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Full Day

Don't let the time-stamp on this blog fool the time it's published, it will be one hour later at least and CFM has just about 'had the bun' (and what the hell does that saying mean anyway?).

I did some shopping today - grocery and otherwise. And wouldn't you know, David (Toyota salesman) calls me in the middle of a loud & crowded grocery store. We chatted...he sed he'd call me later, at home.

I got school supplies for my boy becuz A) he's too lazy to do it himself and B) he needed them and 3) this mite inspire him to actually graduate! Not that not graduating is an option; mais non! I ran some errands after that, picked up A (the boy) and we got t-shirts at Old Navy. He thought they might have, son, not in Winnipeg in early September...those probably went away mid-July, when they realized summer was never coming. We got five t-shirts for $25. Oh that's a t-shirt sale, 5 bucks each (limit 5). Can you speak? That was awesome.

I was up way too early today and was tired so, since it was sunny & hot outside, I took myself a tan, football fans. Lied in the sun...lay in the sun? Whichever, it was invigorating. Unlike some people I know who are drained by the sun's heat, I find it recharges me. And I need all the help I can get at my age.

Back in the house, ready to go out again, the phone rings and it's David. We chatted some know how car salesmen are, they can't stop talking, they go on and on, they never stop! We got close to a price (but he's still being elusive) and I sed I'll call you Tuesday. I'm doing pretty good for someone who hates the game. But I'm playing...I don't need this car...I just want it :-)) Anywho, we're getting close! And crazy football mom's getting excited!! I really just want it over & done...tell me where to sign & how much I gotta pay :-)

I visited my dotter, son-in-law & granddotter, who are all under the weather but most of all Baby S. We cuddled and, in between giving me big smiles, she'd whimper...poor baby! She's got a sort of cold which I hope doesn't get worse...she spent most of April being sick. Had to leave shortly after as it was almost her bedtime...get better Sweet S!! (and her mom & dad).

I went back home to eat & finish some laundry. And here I am in front of the boob-tube (the new boob-tube, we used to call the tv that didn't we?) By this time Tuesday, I may be the proud owner of a brand-spankin' new 2010 Toyota Corolla S (with moon roof :-)) oh!

Tomorrow, the Bombers take on the Riders at Mosaic Stadium in the Labour Day Classic...with their stupid Gopher mascot (uttered with complete disdain...seriously!). May the Best Blue and Gold Team win!! Bombers, we will be cheering you on at 3 pm Central Time!! Go Blue, you can do it this year!!!

And goodnight...

Friday, September 4, 2009

F! is for Friday! And Swears...

F! work is hard. Can I please win the Lottery now??!!

- will you please clobber the Riders on Sunday??? Anyway, we are not signing Pacman Jones! Yay!!! Pack yer shit and get out of town, Pacman! This is a good thing...we dint need him and his bad karma.

- had zero time at work to call David about car...seriously. So I called at 5:30 on Friday b/4 the long weekend as if he'd call me right back! Puh-lease. But he should call tomorrow. I want to begin nuhgosheeyashuns on a vehicle, particularly the vehicle I wanna buy...the Corolla Sport in Classic Silver, if you please...if the price is right...if Mercury and Venus align. Come ON, do it for ME, just this once.

Enough! Tis time for relaxing. I would relax with a beer (or 10) but it doesn't mix well with Tylenol, which is what I'm living on cuz I have a sore foot. I got a teeny, tiny shard of glass in my foot last week, thot I got it out, but no...hurts big time since Tuesday. Took it to the Doc on Wed, he says "it'll either resolve'll fester and pus & the glass will come out at some point." Goody. Stop my feet from dancin'. And this was of course exactly what I thought he'd say and why I wasted an hour of my life. How about freezing it and cutting out the offending glass shard? No, he says, the plastic surgeons say not to "dig around in there". I bought it...then hours later I thought, who the F cares about a scar on the bottom of your foot?!?!#$%^& Man...but I was weakened by the flu that day, so please forgive temporary lapse of sanity in the face of my Doc's insanity. Plus - the top of my foot hurts for some unknown reason...and you gotta walk around on your foot (it isn't like a boo-boo hand or finger or something that you don't gotta walk around on) so it frickin' hurts like it's broken!! Have been icing it (top & then bottom) like crazy and it's all good til the Tylenol wears off. Then it frickin' hurts like it's broken. So, at the risk of becoming redundant...that's my foot rant, ladies & germs.

For those of you who still believe that cats do not have opposible thumbs, I give you proof:

On a completely different note, and just for my brother who is a total Trekkie, I present:

Poor Grandbaby S has a cold, so her Daddy's gonna stay home with her tomorrow, means Granny no babysit, but is ok. Granny has car business to me, buddy.

Updates as warranted, must go elevate foot and try to be waited on hand and, well, foot!


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cars...It's A Love/Hate Thing

So, being home sick, I had plenty of time to read...I read Consumer Reports on cars, I read the Interwebs on cars...many, many readings. And thinkings. And I cumz to the conclusionz that...I do really want to buy the Corolla S (s stands for Sport) which has everything in it that I could possibly need. But have to add a moonroof and then life will be complete...completely grand. I think I knew I wanted it from the minute I laid eyes on it, but you gotta test drive & do your research and mature stuff like that. Except I shudder at the thought of car payments when I haven't had 'em in soooooo long. But again, this is a necessary evil.

And I'm goin' in soon (calling on the phone, silly) with both eyes open, having done my research, my homework, knowing what I want and making my best deal. I, ladies & germs, now know how to arrive at the TMV...this is True Market Value. The diff between Invoice and MSRP. You can get it at Yes, it's American, but it gives you a clue, a hint, a nod in the right direction about the mark-up between Invoice and MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price) (jeez, do I haft explain everything?) and then you figure stuff out from there. It was easy peezy, actually.

And there's tons of other worthwhile shit to read on that site about: tips for buying cars, how to know what you want, Negotiating 101 (I really needed to read that) etc. etc. and so football fans ... I feel ready!!! We start by sneaking back to the lot to read a few 'stickers' and then telling David exactly what I want and then I say I'll call him. Hah. Don't call me, I'll call you, buddy. And then Kapow! Sucker-punch him with the price I want to pay...not the price he wants me to pay. (Keep in mind I hate this whole process:-)

But seriously, I truly feel ready and that is a big step for me! I can't's gonna be a Sweet Ride! Can you picture me and granddotter S with the moonroof open, the wind in our hair??? Nah, me neither. a Sporty car! Finally!! Here 'tis but will you please picture it with a rear spoiler, cuz it comes with...

My only regret will be buying Silver Metallic when what I really want is Barcelona Red, but you have to act mature at some point in your life, no?

Adieu people, til the morrow...

Excited CFM

September When It Comes...

Welcome to September, football fans. This blog's title is from a wonderful song, a duet by Johnny Cash and his dotter Rosann. I first heard Rosann sing it it in Nov '03, while watching the 2.5 hour memorial to JC at the Rhyman Theatre. That was actually a star-filled, spectacular show, hosted by Tim Robbins (who knew he and JC were tight?). At the end, friends and family took the stage to sing 'We'll Meet Again' from one of John's last albums. It was very moving. Anyway, back to the's weird that R & JC came up with this ditty and titled it thus a few years before Johnny's Sep 13/03 death. Like a premonition or something. September, when it me goosebumps...and it's a Great Song. You should listen to it sometime.

And speaking of premos - June Carter Cash had passed away only 4 months earlier, in May of '03. In reading 'Johnny Cash Man In Black' (a biography as told to so & so that was supposed to be an autobiography, but John died), there was an interesting story behind June's death. She had a heart-valve replacement and was doing wonderfully that evening, sitting up in bed eating Jello. But then she began feeling not quite right - she knew something was wrong. She called one of John's dotters (Cindy, I think) and said "take care of Daddy, I'm not going to make it." The family was understandably upset by this and all went to visit her, including JC, who was in a wheelchair at that time. June passed away later that night, from a massive myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Weird, huh? Like she foresaw her own death. John would go visit her grave and cry, and one time when he was with one of his dotters, he hollered "Baby, I'm coming! I'll see you soon!" And 4 months later he was gone. Yes, he had multiple health issues, but I believe he also died of a broken heart. He and June were together, making music and a happy family, for 35 years.

Another thing about June that I enjoyed from the book was how John's dotters all said she was a kind, loving and giving Mother. Not "step-mother". They said June would not allow the use of the word "step" in their household...she treated John's dotters as if they were her own.

I like that! Some people could take a lesson from June Carter Cash.

Rest in Peace, John and June

- yes, it's true, the Bombers will sign 'Pacman' Jones. Yes, he's a pretty scuzzy individual with a record (ala so many other NFL scuzzies) but whatryagonnado? At least it isn't the Dog Killer. It is what it is...I wish them all luck in Regina this Sunday, at the Labour Day Classic. Come ON Bombers, you can beat 'em this time. Hopefully we win, but win or lose, I can't wait for the Banjo Bowl on Sep 13 (...oh yah, the 6th anniversary of JC's death)

- AUGH! Test drove the Nissan handled well, I was comfy in it, but I was driving West, directly into the evening sun at one point and I gotta say, the visor seemed to take up a whole lot of window...i.e. it hung down real low!! I admit I was sitting high in the seat cuz it gotz a lever you can pump up to sit taller, me being short-waisted and all. But still, this is an important issue. It has an awesome stereo (very important) and is Bluetooth enabled (not so important, but I cud learn to love it).
Test drove the Corolla S, which is the 4-door sport model. A beauty! Both cars have a moonroof by the way, and I'm going to spoil myself by getting one. The Corolla is Bluetooth ready (not enabled) but so what? I don't have it now, so I wont' miss it. Anyhow...I love this car! It's jazzy, it fits me, it drives like a dream and handles wonderfully.

But the Sentra has heated seats. Wow. I could use that in minus 30 and colder between leaving work and getting in my cold car car in the shitty parkade. But will that sway my decision? No. The Corolla allegedly heats up the cabin very, very fast (as explained by David, it's all Greek to me), you don't have to wait 10 minutes for warmth... and that would be a bonus on those f*cking cold winter days!! Will that sway my decision? Probably. The Sentra has CVT (continuous variable transmission...i.e. there are no gears) but how much do we know about that technology and how good it is? The Corolla has a plain old 5-speed automatic transmission. Nothing fancy, proven technology. But the gear shifter - it is neat & fancy! Will that sway my decision? Likely :-)

Anyway, Nissan have 0% financing right can't beat that. Toyota, 0% for 3 years...not too sure what happens in terms of a 5-year car loan, but something like 3.9%. However, football fans, I went to the Credit Union & got pre-approved at 4.25 (prime plus 1.75). The comfort in that is, number one: when the financing guy starts making noise about how my hubby has to co-sign (which we refuse to entertain), we're done. And/or, when the interest rate ends up higher than what they say (and this usually happens), we're done. And I can get the dinero from the Credit Union. Paris Hilton.

And may I say to the Royal Bank...Bite Me! Shortly ago, they refused to increase my line of credit (that I've never used) in order to buy a vehicle, cuz I had too much 'debt ratio', due to the goofy way they calculate it. The diff between Royal Bank and Credit Union is...the CU practically throw money at you!!! I went through the Spanish Inquisition with the Royal, for an hour, and they said no. To a 32-year customer...I have heard from other peeps that they just don't give a shit anymore. Well get this, Royal Bank. Not only am I taking you off my Christmas Card list, but I fully intend (soon's I have some time) to move my remaining account there over to the Credit Union. Take that. That'll learn 'em! (like they care) But this is enough...banking there for 32 years and all kinds of other financial institutions have helped me out in the past with loans & mortgages...and they can't do squat for me. So yah, they can bite me. They'll miss me but it will be too late...I won't go back, no matter how much they plead :->>

Anyway, that's today's blog...home sick with stomach flu, but this too shall pass. Must get the young son to school today & pick up his starts in one week! Road test one day after that...Augh! pray for us all!!!
