Monday, September 28, 2009

Let The Good Times Roll...

This title is a misnomer, it's just a stupid 'Cars' song I have stuck in my head as it's the last one I heard while I was driving home from work in my new car...which has an awesome stereo by the way :-)

Yeah, good times...well today marks 5 people on my floor who have lost their jobs in the last 2 weeks...their livelihood...due to downsizing. I know, I know, it goes on everywhere, but it's not supposed to happen to my friends...people I have known anywhere from 18 to 30 years. It's been a terribuls two weeks on my floor and we are just supposed to carry on like nothing's happened. Whatever...I go in and do my job, for the greater good. It's all very sad.

So, to make myself feel better, I cruised 'Icanhascheezburger' and found this on the 'Engrish' fail site:

'Nuf said, football fans.

And what about this:

Mmmmm...tasty. I'll pass.

And, this is one busy crab:

Oh, those crazy Asians...all I'm sayin'.

This kitteh is totally nappin' with Jesus:

Well...time to hit the couch, me eyes are tired. I know it's only 9...much later than the time that'll post on this blog...but what the hell, gotta face the heck tomorrow...4 more days and Ize done work til Oct 13. Stop my feet from dancin'...

Love & Peace,

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