Friday, September 4, 2009

F! is for Friday! And Swears...

F! work is hard. Can I please win the Lottery now??!!

- will you please clobber the Riders on Sunday??? Anyway, we are not signing Pacman Jones! Yay!!! Pack yer shit and get out of town, Pacman! This is a good thing...we dint need him and his bad karma.

- had zero time at work to call David about car...seriously. So I called at 5:30 on Friday b/4 the long weekend as if he'd call me right back! Puh-lease. But he should call tomorrow. I want to begin nuhgosheeyashuns on a vehicle, particularly the vehicle I wanna buy...the Corolla Sport in Classic Silver, if you please...if the price is right...if Mercury and Venus align. Come ON, do it for ME, just this once.

Enough! Tis time for relaxing. I would relax with a beer (or 10) but it doesn't mix well with Tylenol, which is what I'm living on cuz I have a sore foot. I got a teeny, tiny shard of glass in my foot last week, thot I got it out, but no...hurts big time since Tuesday. Took it to the Doc on Wed, he says "it'll either resolve'll fester and pus & the glass will come out at some point." Goody. Stop my feet from dancin'. And this was of course exactly what I thought he'd say and why I wasted an hour of my life. How about freezing it and cutting out the offending glass shard? No, he says, the plastic surgeons say not to "dig around in there". I bought it...then hours later I thought, who the F cares about a scar on the bottom of your foot?!?!#$%^& Man...but I was weakened by the flu that day, so please forgive temporary lapse of sanity in the face of my Doc's insanity. Plus - the top of my foot hurts for some unknown reason...and you gotta walk around on your foot (it isn't like a boo-boo hand or finger or something that you don't gotta walk around on) so it frickin' hurts like it's broken!! Have been icing it (top & then bottom) like crazy and it's all good til the Tylenol wears off. Then it frickin' hurts like it's broken. So, at the risk of becoming redundant...that's my foot rant, ladies & germs.

For those of you who still believe that cats do not have opposible thumbs, I give you proof:

On a completely different note, and just for my brother who is a total Trekkie, I present:

Poor Grandbaby S has a cold, so her Daddy's gonna stay home with her tomorrow, means Granny no babysit, but is ok. Granny has car business to me, buddy.

Updates as warranted, must go elevate foot and try to be waited on hand and, well, foot!


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