Monday, September 7, 2009

Not so Deep Thoughts by Crazy Football Mom

Hello, football fans! Well, that was quite a display the Bombers put on yesterday...I forget how few downs in the first half (precious few) but it matters not, because they lost. Just as they have lost the Labor Day Classic the past 4 years, making this year 5 of loss. It was hard to watch the first half... my son said in the second 1/4 "can it get any worse?" and I said "Oh yah! stick around because it can and it will!" And it did! It was redonkulous. I mean the Riders were running roughshod over our defence, but nobody ever changed it up. Thanks Doug Brown and Joe Lobandahn, but the rest of you guys?? Terribuhls. AND, the last seconds of the first half, so close to a TD and ya blew it! Our offence showed a little more spirit in the 2nd half, but again, (as usual, as always), too little, too late. And what the F is with Bishop??? Jeez, over-throwing (our receivers are not 10-feet-tall), throwing for 3 interceptions, basically acting like...well, like he knows not what he's doing. But he has a powerful arm...ok...good. Thank you Serna for the FGs and Bowman for the TD...good work. The rest of you may need to go back to training camp. Hey, Mike Kelly - your Village called, they want their Idiot back.

Anywho, earlier yesterday, checked that the dealership (who were closed) actually had my car (well, the car I intend to buy) on the lot (they did...see? David didn't lie even tho he's a car salesman), did some errands & shopping, watched a football game, got my chores done and then had my buddy over for relaxing MGDs on the deck...and it was good...except for the Skeeters, so I now have bites on the feet & ankles (I hate that!).

Random Updates

Well, I got my Aerosmith refund on my MasterCard, yay! I had worried that the way things were going, I would not, but there it was in black & white...I'd have rather attended a concert but...oh well, mebbe a different time.

I haven't heard further from Safeway, where I slipped on water & hurt my knee on Aug 10. My Doc said I hurt my 'tibial tubercle' a term which heretofore I had not known existed. Suffice to say, it affects the tendon which holds the knee in place...and it hurts...for 6 to 8 weeks. I spoke with Al, the 'head manager' of the actual store on a Thursday the week after the week I fell (so Aug 20), and not only did he seem terribly disinterested, but I still did not receive an apology for falling in his store...rather, it felt more like he was humoring me. AND he offered me some cash (a pittance, really) to "go away" his words, either take it and come in to sign a 'release' or he'd have to 'send it to Calgary'. So, I'm just some scum off the street that you can throw (a tiny bit of) money at & hope will go away. How insulting! The way this whole thing was handled and Al's indifference and...grrrr!!! So, I don't give a crap if he's turned it over to Calgary, because I've heard from nobody since...again...still. So I am going to call 'Calgary' myself and see what they think of Al's handling of this affair and inquire if this is the usual procedure? I think not. Ultimate goal...hopefully get Al in a wee bit o' trubble...that would make me happy :-) Oh yah and send money or gift cards...tout suite!!!

Muthah F*ckers...Safeway...because we don't care!

My parents' house is very nice since son-in-law 'finished off' the deck with the lattice, the fascia & eavestroughing are all done, and my Pop & Sis restained the bench that resides on the deck. Nicest house on the block...silly me as usual, did not take a 'before' picture...doh!!! Must get over & take a final 'after' pic, I just popped in the other day, but sans camera...idiot. I'll post a pic next time, ladies & germans.

I love that I booked tomorrow (Tuesday) off...super-long weekend. And son A goes driving tomorrow and begins Grade 12 the next day...then the next day (Sep 10th) he has a road test. Yeesh...

Time to go back to the real world and see what I must do today...siyanara! (spelling?)


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