Sunday, November 8, 2009

Goodbye Bombers...Nice Knowin' Ya

*Sigh*...*heavy sigh*...all is lost in Bomberville, football fans. Even though Good Michael showed up today, they played very stupidly and they pay a hefty price for it. They are done, it's over, fini, the end of the road, and other phrases that mean the sun has set on our beloved Bombers. I do feel sorry for them, due to the Mike Kelly factor. Really, you can't butcher a team the way he did in June...July...and continued to do pretty much all season, get rid of our quarterback Kevin Glenn who's gone on to do wonderful things for Hamilton, bring in LeFors who sucks big time AND throws like a girl, bring in Bishop after LeFors, Ritchie and every other imposter quarterback wannabe we've had has can't do all that and expect to have any kind of consistency. Or a good season. Yah, some of them tried, but methinks alot of them gave up and hey, why wouldn't they? They're gettin' paid anyway, right? After game nine...hmmm, sounds like a conspiracy, kinda like MLB. Ugh. Hey Mike, your village called, they want their idiot back. And, Mr. Kelly continued, right to the bitter end, his love-hate (mostly hate) relationship with the media, the fans and the like, all those people who pay his gosh durn salary. A more pompous, arrogant man you would be hard-pressed to find...and all with no good reason...this guy's got an Ego the size of Manhattan, ladies & germs! AUGH!!! see you all next year...well, I'm sure we won't see ALL of you...ah, whatever, it's a sad, sad day and a sad end to a topsy-turvey, uppy-downy, zany season. Hmph.

Oh well. My Chargers beat the Giants today, football fans!!! With like 17 seconds left, Phil squeaked it in. They are SO going to have the Dallas Cowboys for dinner on Dec 13th. This is the game which my hubby & son will be Dallas...on the 13th. While Iyam envious that Iyam not going, Iyam also looking forward to some ME time...some downtime...some clean the house & get ready for Xmas time...some have a few friends over for wine time! Yes!!!

Anyway, must continue with my current project of purging crap & superfluous clothing from closets and etc., so I can de-clutter and de-crap...and all of this started because I CAN'T FIND MY DAM GLOVES!!! I know I put them in the closet...they seem to have vanished into thin air. Not one pair but two! Black leather and hot pink! which were an Xmas gift from a friend. Oh, I know I'll see them again someday, but I'd like to know where the h-e-double hockey sticks I put them!

G'nite football fans, no bad dreams now,


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