Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekend is Finally Here!

Ahh, the weekend...2 of the most bee-utiful words in the English language...aside from "summer afternoon". It's been a loooooong week, but most productive, I must say. Well, at work anyway, not at, I've been resting, trying to get the remnants of this nasty cold outta me for 2 weeks and I think it worked. "The tireds" haz finally gone away...I seriously need to clean this place, get ready for winter, purge, purge, purge (Value Village, I'll have a trunk load of stuff for you :-)

Bombers - it's Win or Go Home time! I hope you guyz haz it in youze to make it work on Sunday. While I won't be there freezing my 'tocks for you, I will watch on the tube if TSN don't black it out. C'MON Blue, you can do it, you can beat those lowly TiCats!!! We are keeping the spite of Mike Kelly!

In other news...oh yah, I'm babysitting granddotter S tomorrow while my dotter M gets her hairz dun...son-in-law S be working. I haven't seen her since Halloween, I'll be fun!! And M has been sick longer than I have with this cold. She can have some 'time out' and away from the behbeh. Sunday, we're s'posed to go shopping...Christmas shopping...for moi, window shopping. Payday is still 6 days away!

Well, that's it for me, going to relax now, lots of stuff to do this wknd...pray for me.

Hope y'all have a good wknd and hope the Bombers win!

Love & Peace,

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