Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Football Predictions and Other Stuff

Football fans, I just had a crazy (random) thought...with the certainty that Brett Favre won't be playing for the Vikings, they could sign Michael Vick. It's brilliant!! Or better yet...let's make Vick play for the additional sentence to the 19 months he served for Killing Dogs For Sport. It would be a win-win...punishment for both him AND Mike Kelly!! I don't care who Mike Kelly is or thinks he is, he's arrogant without cause and bottom-line, he is not doing his job!!! It's unfortunate the head coach is also the offensive coach. On the other hand, perhaps, just perhaps, it might be the offensive players...after all, they did lose alot of games last season. And our defence is burning up the field...and Wally Buono's BC Lions are also 1-3 with NO explanation...things that make you go hmmmmm.

Ok, that's my football rant.

It is such a pleasure to know that I have only 2 more days of work until 2 weeks of VACATION!!! Lots of relaxing and work to do in those 2 weeks and I sure hope summer makes an appearance...some sun and hot, please? Waiting for friends from Ottawa to get over on Aug 15th for some food, friendship and of course, brewskies! Can't wait!

Work sucked, but not as bad as usual. Accomplished great things...again...I am overworked and definitely underpaid, football fans. Grrrrrr! As long as I have the respect of my leaders, it makes it ALL worthwhile...gag!

Soooo...hope you all had a great day. Mine was semi-tolerable, must go rest now.

Take care and don't do anything I wouldn't do, which leaves it pretty much open.

Peace & Love,

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