Friday, July 31, 2009

A New Day

Wow, this is it! Done work for 2 glorious weeks after today... sucks that it don' look or feel like summer outside anymore. Guess I should check the forecast, huh? On the upside, the plants all look great, oh ya I reported that yesterday. Other upside of all the rain - the grass has never looked more lush! Gimme a break, I'm TRYin' to make it a positive thing :-)

What would you do for a Klondike bar?!?! They are so deeeelicious...I think my first order of vacation bizzness w/be to get some Klondike bars and then not share! Gotta wait for a really hot, sweltering day though...much more enjoyabuhl that way :o)

Well, there I was sleeping away (thru the alarm again) but this time, nocturnal son A woke me to tell me it was time to get up. What a good son! Anybody wanna hire my good son? Please...hire him! Him need job...despurate!

Nephew N is going to Gai Paris today...he's on a European tour til September-ish me thinks.
Niece C is going to New York on Aug 13 to visit her beau, L.
I'll be going to my backyard (hey, it's a nice backyard!), Gimli if I'm really lucky ;)

Well, football fans, time to read the Bomber Report...I'll get back to y'all later. Have good days, I know I won't! Well, I will and I won''s a love/hate thing (lotta work ta do)...pray for me!

Peace & Love,

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