Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday...In the Park...

Well, football fans, I've cooled off now re: the really BAD game. It is what it is, and they have work to do.

Went to the parentals' to fill in the small holes (that my Dad noticed) with wood filler...I don't like working with wood filler. My seester had done some, but I did some's done. Go back tomorrow to sand lightly & start applying 2nd coat of stain. M can't be there tomorrow, as she & (son-in-law) S are taking granddotter S out of town to wisit with the other Grandma and Grandpa.

Went to M's and took my Grand-dog Spencer for a nice, long walk. He is such a Love and has a good heart. Although he peed like 17 times, M. had hoped he mite make a poo cuz he hadn't all day but alas, he did not. He doesn't seem any worse for it (being bunged up) but I guess time will tell. Then, I took S to the park by her house...she enjoyed the baby swing for about 5 minutes and then got all "Enh! ,enh!" about it, trying to get herself OUT of the baby swing, so Granny rescued her. We sat (she in her stroller) and ate puffs...well, she ate puffs, I did not partake. Puffs are a healthy, nutritious toddler snack and S so enjoys them. Got her back home where she ran thru the grass babbling (I love that!) and into the gazebo where she enjoys swinging on the adult swinging thing (I forget what they're called). Then we sat in the dirt and she played with it, finding it endlessly fascinating. The party ended when she put a mouthful of dirt in her least I didn't have to tell her it was icky & gross, as she quickly took it all out of her mouth and opted for freshly picked quackgrass instead. We each picked one, looked at each other and stuck 'em in our mouths. Just like I taught her! Oh, the small things...she's almost 15 months old, I so enjoy this age.

Oh yah!! My son A got "the haircut" on Thursday...actually buzzed, mite as well be bald. Hubby took him. So I sed to my son, "Son. It's time you got a job...let's go apply at Safeway!" which we will, very soon. He's applied there twice, but they don't hire no long-hairs at Safeway. Maybe he'll have more luck this time. And it would be real close to home...and Lord knows, he needs a job ;-))

My Kitty is patiently waiting to go into the front room for some relaxation...and feeling not so good myself, I think that is a Grand idea. I still have to finish watching the last season of Roseanne, which I received for me birthday (from Kitty and the other 2 felines). So, mebbe I'll do that...everything kida hurts...Mick Jagger was so right when he said "What a drag it is getting old."

Signing off,
(Peace & Love)

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