Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hot Town, Summer In The City...

Ahhhhhh, 31 B-E-A-Utiful degrees, that's what I'm talkin' bout!!! It hit 30, football fans, and beyond!! For this we waited 9, 10 was really summer today. The morning was dodgy, bit of rain, cloudy, etc. Since I was up at 6, gotz all the laundry done (yes!). At noon, it cleared up so went to the parentals' and 2nd coated tons of the 1/2, but that's alot of wood. It looks great & more importantly Ma & Pa love it, so that's good. The deck will be easy peezy compared to this (okay, since you asked, prep work included pressure-washing the wood for an afternoon & then several afternoons of sanding the wood, once it dried :-) Primer, wood-filler, etc.

Got home to relapse, I mean relax, but realized I had to make a beer run (it was only 4:00!) so...I went to the Liquor Store where I saw a display of Corona Extra straw hats. I wanted to buy one for A (of afore-mentioned head-buzz, no hair!) so I grabbed the beers, the hat, and proceeded to the check out. This nice fellow ahead of me & I had a wee conversation about said hat, he thinking I prob. had to buy Corona to get the hat. So, he asked the grumpy-looking old-guy clerk standing behind the nice-lady clerk if I could buy the hat (he called him by name, so clearly he knew him). Mr. Grumpy (Jim) said nah, you have to buy 12 Corona. But the nice-lady clerk says to me " can just have it." Understand this never happens to me!! And after the stressful weeks I've had, particularly at work, it was such a trip!! I know it was only a hat, but still...I thanked her profusely as I left. Came home to relax & lie in the Sun with my outdoor, portable speaker which I had the foresight to purchase in the winter for 30 bucks!! It works wonderfully, I can listen to radio or CD. And of course I had a brewskie. And A loved the "free!!!" hat. G made delicious BBQ chicken with Baja Citrus marinade (we're so exotic ;-), taters & such, so we had a lovely dinner, completed our Sunday chores ( housework is still suffering, but I'd rather be outside & now I'm soooo tired) so that we can chill until it's time to go back to that 4-letter-word...begins with a 'w'...or an 'h'. 5 more days til freedom!!

Think I'll check out the comedy channel...wait a minute, are the Bombers playing? That's my lame joke, ladies & germs. Back to they say, it's time well wasted. Love watching stand-up comedy...AND Guy Fieti on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives, but that's on Fridays. We missed it on account know...the damn Game.

Hope everyone had a lovely day. To my bro and friends in Ottawa, sorry it is & has been raining, but dammit, it's our turn and about damn time! Remember...we had snow on May prolly had tulips.

Talk tomorrow & may the bluebird of happiness leave a prize on your windowsill.

Love & Peace

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