Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Redneck Football

Good evening! I am learning how to upload pics from the Web...soon I will actually find the USB cable for my camera so that I can upload pics of granddaughter and parentals' house we have worked so hard on, etc. etc. Baby Steps...

But for now...I present to you...The Redneckerson's Easter, starring Little Red Redneckerson and her Redneck Easter Basket! Come ON, they can't be serious...unless this whole thing is a joke and then...uh...the joke's on me, huh? Well, it IS kind of hilarious...poor little Red has to go scrounging for Easter Eggies with her Bud Light holder...and what the hell is she IN, a backyard jail??? ...sad, in a way.

So, today I put some wood filler into holes in the deck, did a bunch of errands & such, partially cooked dinner while G helped M&S repair their shed, G finished cooking dinner while I took in some much needed Vitamin D, via my lawn chair & Mister Sun...and my trusty outdoor, portable speaker. Best 30 bucks I ever spent!!!

Then we ate dinner and well, here I am. Still doing chores, the hum of the 25+ year old dishwasher behind me...they just don't make 'em like they used to, football fans! I rue the day I have to part with that baby, but it is coming...sooner methinks rather than later.

Speaking of football...Bombers play Calgary again on Saturday...they beat 'em once, they can do it again. I'll even wear my Stegall jersey...not that it's even remotely about me, but the times I forget to wear the jersey, they lose...I'm just sayin'...

The next home game is Aug 15 against the Alouettes (goddamn, that's gonna be a good game, Calvillo is the bomb!) and we're having company that evening. I think we will have to bring the tv outside...unless of course it's raining, then no.

Then, the next home game after that is the Sep. 13 Banjo Bowl, which we will attend if we ever get off our duffs and get them thar tickets! Do that tomorrow, prolly. For those unfamiliar with the Banjo Bowl, it is a long-standing tradition whereby Saskatchewan hosts Winnipeg in beautiful Regina on Sunday of the September long, and Wpg in turn hosts the Roughriders the Sunday after that. Why is it called the Banjo Bowl, you ask? Cuz them thar Riders ain't nothin' but a bunch of backwoods, inbred banjo pickers!! And they have a GOPHER as their mascot...Come ON. We have Buzz and Boomer who are WAY COOLER than any old Gopher! Puh-lease...

Anyway, that's how the Banjo Bowl was born and aptly named. Amen. Saskatchewan, where you can watch your dog (wife) run away for at least five days! Sasktchewan...I can see your house from here! I can't remember any of my Riders jokes, but they're good, trust me ;-)

Tired now, must go plop & pop in a movie...going to watch "He's just not that into you" courtesy of dotter M. I'm sure I'll enjoy it if I can keep my eyes open...as long as I don't go vertical I'll be ok. I can't tell you how many ends of movies/shows I have missed simply becuz I made the mistake of lying down.



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