Monday, August 3, 2009

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head...

Rain. Not a torrential downpour but enough to keep us from going to Gimli on the last day of the's no fun in the rain, and we can't cut the grass at the trailor. Oh well, there's always next year and Gimli is still a fave destination which we plan on doing within the week.

Luckily, G and A got our lawn done yesterday. M and I completed the staining at the parentals' and the results are verrrry niiiiiice, if we do say so ourselves!! It almost looks like a new house. It was a lovely day, everyone hung out outside for a lot of the afternoon, as granddotter/great granddotter S was there to delight and entertain us all; G put the light fixtures back on the house & played with S (as we all did); my brother T even came by briefly; son-in-law S came by after work & niece C arrived after work! After the rest left, I swept off the deck & removed superfluous old screws & nails from various boards, to begin prep for staining. I knew I should have done a wee bit of wood-filler yesterday, anticipating possible rain today, but I did not. So, tomorrow...or whenever. Once the deck is done, as M says, their house will be 'Pimpin!'...and it will!

Everyone was there except son A, I realized...sorry, A! We thot he'd be sleeping (Nocturnal, he) BUT, here he was at home mowing the back yard (unbeknownst to us). That was a nice surprise...Good Son, didn't even have to be cajoled or threatened!! You need to know our backyard is Huge (for the city) as we're on a pie-shaped lot. For shits & giggles, we once measured its widest point **width** at 100 feet...that's alot of yard, football fans. (And for this, we get to pay the highest taxes on the block, but we don't complain much anymore) We were able to accommodate 60 bodies for the wedding shower held in '05 for M and S; both sides of our family for many Father's Day bbq's over the years, and have had many impromptu soccer games & football tosses break out in the backyard when A's buddies were over - even now I can sometimes lure A outside to toss the pigskin around...but I digress. And I still think it screams out for a pool ;+)

Anyway, it was a great afternoon yesterday!!!

Today, I guess we'll do those chores that need doing when you're forced to be inside on account of rain. Or not :-( ...grrrrrrrr

The forecast for Friday is sunny, so let's hope that continues for Aerosmith/ZZTop (outdoor stadium concert) ...pray for us!

Must also get to a Folklorama pavillion, need to scan the paper and see which one this year.

This is/was a big year for me...I turned 50 in June, G and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary in July, and August marks 30 years at my place of employment. 30 years! I was 20 and now I'm 50 - I don't feel that much different (except for the weight gain, creaks and the aches & pains - see weight gain, earlier). My newest boss, who's been in place for only 1 week (last week), and I managed a few chats last week, and she mentioned this upcoming 'milestone' (she's good!). I told her I didn't really want anything... We have a large number of long-term peeps and in the past have had 'come & go's' and 'cake parties', (during work time, bonus!) and while I agree it is a big milestone, I asked her to keep it 'low-key'. So, we'll see. I don't need cake...I do need cash...send cards & money, please :o) Kidding...

Off to do the laundry...oh what a life I lead, ladies & germans! If the rain holds off, we could even go exchange 2 of the 5 fascia boards we picked up for my Pop the other week...2 of 'em are different from the other 3 and nobody noticed til yesterday. Also pick up some plywood so M & S can repair their shed...mebbe we can babysit S while they do see, I'm always thinking :-)

Happy August long weekend to y'all!! have fun...

Love & Peace,

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